Biogents – Science for Your Protection –

Commentarios de nuestros clientes sobre las trampas Biogents para mosquitos

Hillary, Austin, TX

“I have set up the Mosquitaire unit (with CO2) and two GAT traps on our small urban lot and after only a few days we have caught so many mosquitoes. Our property is becoming nice again! Thank you so much for developing this product. I plan to let my neighbors know about it as we live near a creek and have awful mosquito problems every summer. I can’t tell you how nice it is to be able to sit on our patio without needing bug spray or using other toxic chemicals.

Customer, living in Marseille

“We moved to Marseille from Scotland last year, and I can’t tell you how much pain and inflammation your mossie trap has saved me, whilst also making evenings outside possible. Can’t wait to get the in-home version going this season.”

Customer from Mallorca

“My husband and I bought your mosquito trap at the beginning of last summer and it resulted in our family being able to actually use our backyard during summer for the first time in 4 years! It is such a fabulous product.”

Tom Rodney, Greenville, North Carolina (compró una BG-GATs y la BG-Mosquitaire con CO2) 

“Recomiendo la trampa de CO2 BG – Mosquitaire porque funciona y es relativamente económica y segura de operar, y es utilizada por los gobiernos locales en todo los EE. UU. y mundialmente. Creo en los productos Biogents y deseo que continúe el éxito en los EE. UU”

Leonard Heifetz, California (compró una BG-Mosquitaire) 


Alex Robinette, Texas (compró una BG-Mosquitaire)

“Hola, mi esposo compró la unidad de BG que atrae a los mosquitos tigres asiáticos y está funcionando tan bien que tan solo después de 2 semanas sentí la confianza de publicarlo en Facebook y […] Creo en su causa y me encantaría ver la fumigación general totalmente prohibida. ¡Gracias!”

Recommendation from a resident in Dallas, TX, USA:

“BG-Mosquitaire está superando mis expectativas. He estado buscando buenas trampas para mosquitos disponibles en EE. UU. y en la UE. Y este verano he comprado y probado seis trampas de diferentes tipos. Estoy muy satisfecho con BG-Mosquitaire.”



Photo of a typical 24 hours “ harvest “ of the resident in Dallas, TX

Daniel L. Kline, PhD from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)

“I have been asked to write a letter in support of Bio Gents Gmb H’s nomination for a Tech Awards in the Health Category for their new trap technology, which is featured in their BG-Sentinel trap. I have enthusiastically agreed to write this letter because I believe this trap has the potential to help monitor and quite possibly lead to the control of several important vector borne diseases. Specifically diseases associated with pathogens vectored by Stegomyia mosquito species such as Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus…”

PDF Se puede encontrar el comentario entero aqui >

Patrick Guerin, Director of Research, Université de Neuchâtel

…For this reason I can recommend the use of the BG Sentinel trap as a device with which to reduce the risk of dengue infection in the domestic environment. In addition, the trap can serve as a warning system for inhabitants of the presence of the disease vector….” 

PDF Se puede encontrar el comentario entero aqui >

Christopher Curtis, Emeritus Professor of Medical Entomology, (London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine)

“… Of 4 types of traps tested the BG trap was clearly the most effective….”

PDF Se puede encontrar el comentario entero aqui >

Scott A. Ritchie, PhD, Medical Entomologist, Queensland Government, Queensland Health

“…The research clearly showed that the BG sentinel trap was highly effective at collecting dengue mosquitoes, more so than other methods. Furthermore, it did not require costly dry ice, and could provide a collection within 24 hr….”

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