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Yeast fermentation: An optimized production of CO₂ over 24 hours with the Biogents BG-CO₂ Generator for professionals

With the BG-CO₂ Generator, Biogents provides an easy-to-use-set for the reliable production of CO₂ over a 24 hour period with yeast fermentation. With this set you can overcome the problems of logistics of gas cylinders and dry ice when using CO₂ for your mosquito monitoring traps.

Features of the BG-CO₂ Generator:

  • CO₂ production for 24 hours
  • Stable & reliable CO₂ output
  • Cost-effectiveness
  • Easy to procure ingredients
  • Easy to assemble and use
  • Re-usable set
  • Thermal control with BG-Pro bag
  • BG-CO₂ Powder as refill

The BG-CO₂ Generator includes a special BG-CO₂ Powder consisting of an optimised mixture of different yeast strains and nutrients, a mixing bag, a thermometer, a spoon, and an insulated bag. The set is re-usable and the BG-CO₂ Powder is available as a refill component. The only components you need to add are sugar and warm water.
The insulated BG-Pro carrying bag serves as a container for the mixing bag keeping the temperature stable and therefore the CO₂ production reliable through thermal control.

BG-CO2 Generator filled with ingredients and closed with the lid and attached tube, ready for placement in the BG-Pro bag

Easy to Set-Up

The Biogents mixing bag is included in the set. Just add the following three ingredients and you‘re all set:

+ Warm water (38 °C)
+ Sugar
+ Biogents BG-CO₂ Powder (20 g)

Place the mixing bag in the insulated carrying bag of the BG-Pro for thermal control.

BG-Generator: easy to set-up

Biogents‘ specially formulated BG-CO₂ Powder

The key element of the BG-CO₂ Generator is the BG-CO₂ Powder which is an optimized formulation of various yeast strains and nutrients to provide the highest production of CO₂ over a 24 hour period. This optimized mixture was developed by Biogents to be used specifically for mosquito monitoring and the package (200 g) lasts for up to 10 monitoring sessions.

Performance of Biogents‘ CO₂ Powder

The CO₂ production of Biogents‘ optimised yeast powder was tested against other yeast strains over 24 hours. Result: The BG-CO₂ Powder shows the fastest start of CO₂ production and highest output over time in comparison to the other yeast strains.

The CO₂ production of Biogents‘ yeast powder is optimised for 24 hour monitoring and has the highest output within the first 14 hours.

Comparison of the accumulated CO2 production of different yeast strains
Comparison of the accumulated CO2 production of different yeast strains
Release rate of CO2 over time of Biogents BG-CO2 Powder
Release rate of CO2 over time of Biogents BG-CO2 Powder
BG-CO2 Powder top-side view

Optimal Use With the BG-Pro Trap

The use of the BG-CO₂ Generator is optimised for the use in combination with the BG-Pro trap: The insulated carrying bag can serve as a holder for the BG-CO₂ Generator mixing bag keeping the temperature stable.

Pricing and Ordering


Prices can be found in our webshop for researchers (not for researchers from the USA, see below). In the webshop, you can order small quanities fast and conveniently:

Please note for USA researchers:
For small order quantities, please use our new US webshop for researchers >
For our BG-Pro mosquito trap and the remote monitoring device BG-Counter as well as large order quantities, please order from our distributor Clarke >


Larger quantities can be purchased by contacting our customer support via e-mail


You can also get in contact with our distributors all around the globe.

BG-Pro with BG-CO2 generator on the ground