Biogents – Science for Your Protection –

Correct positioning and application are important factors for an effective mosquito control

Only if the traps have the correct positioning and run continuously throughout the mosquito season, they will efficiently and permanently decrease the mosquito population.

There are some rules for the optimum positioning of the trap. However, please consider that every region has different mosquitoes, and every property its own, often unique characteristics. Therefore: In order to find the best position, and to get the highest catch rates, test different locations!

Generally we recommend

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Do not place the trap into the sun.

Do not place the trao in windy areas.

Place the trap in areas with high humidity, e.g. near rain barrels and puddles.

Place the trap near or into shrubs and bushes.

Place the trap in shady areas.
The trap should be put out when the daytime temperature has risen over 15°C (60°F)

No sunny location

No windy areas




Never place the mosquito trap in sunny areas.

Never place the mosquito trap in windy areas.

Resting areas of mosquitoes can also be areas with higher humidity.

Shady areas are a good place to position the mosquito traps.

Shrubs and bushes are a good place to position the mosquito trap.


The trap should be put out when the average temperature has risen above 15° C (60° F). Above this temperature, adult mosquitoes fly actively. It is best to catch the mosquitoes now, before they have a chance to reproduce and lay their eggs. It is important to make sure that the ventilator of the trap runs 24 hours a day.


The goal is to catch the mosquitoes before they reach you. Therefore, it is important to choose a position near the resting areas of the mosquitoes. During the day, mosquitoes spend their rest periods in shady, wind-protected hedges or shrubs. If you place the trap here, you can catch the mosquitoes before they reach and bite you.

How to find the best spot for the trap?

For the placement of the trap there is a very simple technique to find the appropriate resting place of the tiger mosquitoes in your garden. We invite you to visit the shaded areas of your garden in the hot hours of the day between 12 and 2 pm and spend a few minutes in each place, especially at the edges of your garden and near the neighbors.

There is a shady place where mosquitoes are particularly abundant and you will be bitten quickly. There you need to place the trap, keeping a minimum distance of 5 meters from the area to be protected, even if the distance from the house is greater.

It is more effective to block them directly at the resting place than to let them enter the garden. The same principle applies to other mosquito species, except that they are active at other times of the day. You can follow the same steps, but at dusk.

Also, make sure mosquitoes do not breed directly in your yard. Make sure there is no standing water that could serve as a breeding ground for mosquitoes (cups, watering cans, water pipes, etc.).

Many bushes form a hollow room on the inside. This is an ideal location for the trap if it provides enough space, both for the air currents and for the visibility of the trap.

Many bushes form inside a cave, that is ideal for the trap and also provides enough space - for the air currents as well as for the visibility of the visually attracting signals of the trap.

Do not place the trap directly on the terrace. If you place the trap in shady places or bushes near the terrace, you will catch the mosquitoes near their resting areas, before they reach the terrace and bite you.

Don't place the trap directly on the terrace. If you place the trap in shady places nearby, you can catch the mosquitoes before they get active again, reach the terrace and bite you.

Resting locations

Resting places of mosquitoes can also be locations with higher humidity such as wells, drains, basements, etc. They also like piles of wood where they can hide perfectly.

Breeding areas

Breeding areas like damp biotopes, rain barrels, puddles, or flower pods are good indicators for choosing a position.  However, always take care of choosing a position that is protected from the sun and wind!

Resting areas of mosquitoes can also be areas with higher humidity such as rain barrels, wells, drains, basements, etc.. They also like piles of wood, where they perfectly can hide.

Here some further examples for bad (left) and good (right) positioning of the mosquito trap:

This example shows a bad and a good positioning for the mosquito traps: The bad positioning directly on the terrace in the sun, the good positiong in the shady shrubs.
This example shows a bad and a good positioning for the mosquito traps: The bad positioning directly on the terrace in the sun, the good positiong in the shady shrubs.

To protect your pets from mosquitoes, don’t place the trap directly beside the hutch, but a few meters beside it.

To protect your pets from mosquitoes, don’t place the trap directly beside the hutch, but a few meters beside it.

Heavy rainfall

The trap will not be affected by rainfall, yet a sheltered position has positive effects on the catch rate. Naturally sheltered positions are, for example, under trees or shrubs, or any other covered area.

Even though heavy rainfall does not damage the trap, there are negative effects of it that might decrease the catch rate:

  • Mosquitoes avoid rain, and prefer sheltered positions. Hence, in sheltered positions the catch rate can be higher.
  • Heavy rainfall might disrupt the airflow by clogging the pores of the cover. This causes a reduction in the suction power of the ventilator, and also a reduction of the catch rate. Therefore, ensure that the trap is sheltered from heavy rainfall.